
Steam mass effect 2 controller
Steam mass effect 2 controller

steam mass effect 2 controller

Fixes the problems experienced by players when selling items at a shop. Fixes the accidental mapping of mako thrusters to the Y button. Allows better control over the mini game to activate the VI on Noveria. Allows the mini game to activate the laser to save liara to be cancelled. Allows the Quasar game at the back of Flux to be played with the controller.

steam mass effect 2 controller

Switches the Mission Computer (aka the pause screen) controls to operate on from the Left Stick in a similar way to the conversation wheel instead of using DPad emulation. Fixes the intermittent crash when browsing the map (hopefully). I'm guessing this variable doesn't operate outside of a conversation. This could be a risky change as I'm using a class variable called m_nCurConvSelection to hold zoom state. Changes the way the Mako zoom operates to be like the XBOX360. Fixes Conversation DeadZone Issue in the conversation wheel.

steam mass effect 2 controller

Fixes the DPad squad orders to match xbox 360 controls. Removes the inverted Y axis by default. Added 's around controller buttons in tutorial messages. These have been replaced with the controller bar. Removed back buttom from Mission Control (aka pause menu) and replaced with "Resume" button from XBOX360 Mission Control. Allow user to enter custom name during character creation. Updates the icons on the scoreboard in Pinnacle Station to be the correct controller icons. Adds additional control over the decryption mini game. Adds button shortcuts (,, ) for the options when starting the decryption mini-game. Fixes the conversation wheel so no option is selected when the Left Stick is in the resting position. Removes the 's around the initial "Press " message, which was added in the last release I've tweaked the maths so it should now take this into account. This explains the differences in peoples opinions on controller The higher the frame rate the more sensitive the stick.ĭuring game ticks the deltatime was not being factored in. Controller sensitivity for camera movement changed based on frame rate. Fixes map control sensitivity for differing frame rates. Fixes the map cursor for controllers that introduce their own deadzone (think nvidia shield) Reduces the conversation wheel deadzone slightly (0.25 to 0.2) Fixes Mako control weirdness introduced by the sensitivity changes in 0.3.0. Fixes a crash that was possible by selecting "Mark all as viewed" from within the Journal when a mission or assignment was Further tweaks to correct mistakes in the tutorial strings. Adding a 50% drop in right stick sensitivity when zoomed in. Adds an out of combat run speed boost when holding the A button (Not just a camera angle change). Changes the behavior of the X/B button when drawing/holstering your weapon.

Steam mass effect 2 controller