
Fallout 4 silent hill mod
Fallout 4 silent hill mod

fallout 4 silent hill mod

While giant mods have been made for The Game 4 before, Whispering Hills is definitely one of the most ambitious. As players explore the town, reality will never quite be a given as they will move in and out of the otherworld where the iconic monsters of the Silent Hill series will make an appearance. With each new episode, another piece of Silent Hill will be incorporated into Whispering Hills. Right now, players will only get a small piece of the town as they explore the Midwitch Elementary School that was in the original Silent Hill. With this only being the release of Whispering Hills: Episode 1, players will have to keep waiting for the full experience. The release of Whispering Hills Episode 1 is accompanied by a trailer showing just how well the mod merges the two games.

fallout 4 silent hill mod fallout 4 silent hill mod

Going through the description, it displays a great level of care and love for a franchise that has remained dormant.

fallout 4 silent hill mod

Described as a “ Silent Hill overhaul,” the mod goes beyond just slapping on a thick fog with added Silent Hill sound effects. Released on popular mod hosting website Nexus Mods, the first episode of the giant mod introduces a new location to The Game 4’s “The Commonwealth.” The new settlement is dubbed “Whispering Hills” and shares a similarly quaint name as the town that it is based on. In the most recent effort of using Bethesda’s 2015 game as a base, a modding team decided to make its own Silent Hill-esque adventure. While many mods are focused on making The Game 4 a better technical experience, there are some willing to experiment with the post-nuclear RPG in unique ways. Over five years since initially launching, The Game 4 continues to get support from the modding community. While some developers are creating entirely new games to embrace Silent Hill‘s beloved psychological horror, Fallout 4 modders have opted for a different approach. As Silent Hill fans are buzzing thanks to franchise revival rumors, it seems some are using the enthusiasm to make inspired projects. After numerous years of turmoil, fans of Silent Hill has have gained a new excitement over what might be next for the franchise.

Fallout 4 silent hill mod